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2)2018年5月20日星期日,世界衛生組織為了慶祝70周年紀念日舉辦了一個健走活動:「為對話而走——挑戰全民健康」。在這個健走活動中,一群來自歐洲、美國和台灣的和平民眾被主辦單位要求脫下他們的紅色T恤,原因是他們身上的紅色T恤印有「HEALTH FOR ALL— WHO for TAIWAN」。世界衛生組織認為這是一個「具有政治意涵的標語」,特別是TAIWAN(臺灣)兩字。其中一名參加者甚至被警方逮捕,只因為他拒絕脫下穿在夾克裡面的紅T恤。











An official Statement by Pey-Fen Fuh, Chairwoman of World Taiwanese Associations
— addressing the remarks of the WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the 8th April 2020

We are perplexed at the allegations made by Dr. Tedros (WHO) during his remarks this Wednesday, the 8th of April, 2020, in which he stated he received death threats and racist insults, calling him black or negro, while he was running the global efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Allegedly, these insults came from Taiwan.

Further, he complained that the Foreign Ministry of Taiwan didn’t disassociate themselves from this campaign.

At the end, Tedros pleaded for world leaders and politicians to put aside differences and appealed: “Please quarantine COVID politics”.

It amazes us once again that the persons who claims the need for the abandonment of “politicization“ the loudest are usually the most politicalized and prejudicial ones as Dr. Tedros has shown and is showing us. Just to name a few:

· Until today, WHO headed by Dr. Tedros still refuses the membership of Taiwan in WHO ignoring the fundamental human rights of 23 Million Taiwanese to health because of the political claims made by China.

· On Sunday, 20 May 2018 the WHO held a Walk/Run event, titled "Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge", celebrating its 70th anniversary. During the event, a group of peaceful participants from Europe, USA and Taiwan wearing red T-shirts with "HEALTH FOR ALL - WHO for TAIWAN" were forced by police to take off their T-shirts, for the word “TAIWAN” was said to be a “political statement/message" by the WHO. One of the participants was even arrested only because he refused to take off his T-shirt which is worn under a coat!

· As already evidenced, Taiwan has warned the World Health Organization in December 2019 that the coronavirus could be passed via human-to-human contact, but the organization, including Dr. Tedros, ignored the warnings. Furthermore, Dr. Tedros collaborated in China’s intentional and gross underreporting of the dangerous nature and numbers of infection associated with the Wuhan virus and even denied that the virus posed as a global threat of pandemic as far as late January 2020. Weeks of precious time elapsed and the outbreak of virus got out of hand. More than 87,000 people up to now paid their lives for this mistake and intentional concealment of critical information.

Could Dr. Tedros, the Director General of an Organisation in charge of the health issues of the world population, be able to provide us any “un-political”, nearly plausible or reasonable explanation to his acts mentioned above?

As to his complaint that the Foreign Ministry of Taiwan didn’t disassociate themselves, the reasons are obvious:

· Because that is voice of the People and we don’t silent the voice of the people in Taiwan;

· Because all Taiwanese people across all areas, all parties and all ethnic groups have united together to fight the virus and for their rights against the ignorance of WHO and Dr. Tedros!

Allow us to give some personal advices to Dr. Tedros:

Please do not bring up the Black or African background community in this context and try to blur the focus of the criticism against your wrongdoing. The criticism is on your competency and leadership abilities.

If anyone has ever made a racist insult or a death threat against you, please go ahead and sue them. You, as one of the most powerful leaders of the world, has plenty of resources to do so. Sit and cry is never an efficient strategy. People of Taiwan and Taiwanese decedent around the world have been fighting for their human rights and dignity for many years. We neither tolerate discrimination nor permit false allegations thereof. We would be very pleased to see everyone who violated the human dignity will finally be condemned and punished!
We mean literally EVERYONE!

Pey-Fen Fuh
Chairwoman Of World Federation of Taiwanese Associations
9th April 2020


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